Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Saw 3D gets you involved!
September 10th, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]


Since 2004 we have spent every Halloween with Jigsaw, and on October 29th we will be spending our last one with him when the final Saw hits theaters. After watching the trailer for Saw 3D, it looks like the movie isn’t the only that is coming to the big screen… I really like the concept, but I feel like I have seen it before…you know last year in Final Destination 4.


Piers Morgan does Poker Face
September 10th, 2010 under Lady Gaga, Piers Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

Last week Larry King sang Poker Face on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show and now the American Idol host got the America’s Got Talent Judge to sing, I mean read, Lady Gaga’s song. When it comes to which of the three men sang it best, the answer is none of them because their versions were as ugly as most of Lady Gaga’s outfits. I understand why Piers said he couldn’t sing it, but he should have manned up and done it anyways.


A deleted scene from the White Collar season finale!
September 10th, 2010 under USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

Executive producer Jeff Eastin Tweeted this deleted scene from the season finale of White Collar and I wish that scene would’ve made the episode. Actually it really wasn’t a deleted scene because here what the show creator Tweeted with the video, “#WhiteCollar post team adds audio joke to each ep that only I hear during playback.This is from the finale” Too bad it was only a joke because I wouldn’t mind if Bugsy were upped to series regular next season. You know he can be like Frank in Men in Black (see below) since it looks like we might need a replacement for Mozzie.
How sad was the ending of the season finale? I can’t believe we have to wait until January to find out what happens.


What happens if you let 100 cats roam free in Ikea?
September 10th, 2010 under Animals. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ikea came up with a new way to promote their new cat-alogue, they let 100 cats roam free in their Wembley store to see what would happen and if the kitties would give theor furniture two paws up. As you will see in the awwwdorable videos above they do! To bad for them the cafeteria wasn’t open, so they could get some of their yummy Swedish meatballs. They would be like pussies on cat nip if that were the case!
I seriously feel bad for those poor workers who had to clean up all of that white fur from the fur-niture, that had to be a task and then some.
So what were the long term effects from their experiment? I read a rumor that 9 weeks later there was a sudden surplus of kittens named Ikea in the town of Wembley. Joking…
One last note, I hope that Ikea tries this experiment here in The States (preferably Burbank) so I can take my cat to destroy, I mean play at the Ikea for the night! Seriously how much fun does it look?
xoxo CC2K!!!


Hot Links!
September 9th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Spot which body part is missing from this picture? – Dlisted
Spencer Pratt is sorry – Popbytes
Is James Franco gay? – Celebitchy
Who quit Twitter now? – earsucker
Katie Holmes talks more babies – ICYDK
Who looks so much better from behind? – Celebslam
Kendra Wilkinson before the plastic surgery – Yeeeah!
Dance moves to attract the opposite sex! – Tabloid Prodigy
Who was caught making out in an elevator? – Agent Bedhead
Michelle Williams looks absolutely gorgeous – Amy Grindhouse
Who is suddenly upset nude pix of her are being released? – B&S


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