They say pregnant women glow and Kelly Preston proved that saying true as she walked the red carpet to promote her movie Casino Jack at the Toronto Film Festival. Seriously doesn’t Mrs John Travolta look absolutely beautiful 7 months pregnant with their son?
Coco and her sister Tweeted pictures of their big butts together. Coco (top) said, “Surprise”Thong Thursday”Pic w/my sister @angelbabynaz I’m a bad influence.I’m on left she’s on right” and Kristy (bottom) said, “OK,I’ll show a LiL more for Thong Thursday!Don’t compare just enjoy the cute bootys.I’m on left,Coco on right”
Seeing Coco and Kristy together like that proves Coco’s big bottom is genetic and not enhanced.
On April 2, 1956 CBS gave birth to As The World Turns and now 54 and a half years later they are burying it. After 13,858 episodes the daytime drama will say goodbye today. It is a sad day in Oakdale and the rest of the world as we lose another soap opera. So whether you have watched the show at least once or you never have, make sure to watch it today to say goodbye to a show that has lasted longer than all of Fox’s shows combined.
Kate Walsh was The Tonight Show yesterday in a dress that was made totally out of Sushi and Sashimi. She told Jay Leno that the fishy dress was a homage to Lady Gaga and to support her charity Oceana.
Before you freak out and think out how can she go out in dress made out of real fish, the Private Practice star Tweeted, “Sushi was fake. :)” Could you imagine how bad the dress would have smelled if it were real, it would smell like (insert annoying slutty paparazzi darling’s name here) crotch.
On that note, who else was creeped out by how Jay Leno was hitting on her by using the dress as a segue.