Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Christina Applegate shows off her baby bump and love!
August 24th, 2010 under Babies, Christina Applegate. [ Comments: none ]

Christina Applegate took her fiance’ Martyn Lenoble to the premiere of her new movie Going the Distance and it looks like their love is going to make like the title. Seriously how awwwdorable are the two parents-to-be? That and pregnancy is really agreeing with the Married…with Children star!


Mikey’s beard goes under the American Chopper!
August 24th, 2010 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

American Chopper’s Mikey has been growing out his beard for a while and he finally decided to shave it off. Now that he has cleaned up his act after reportedly entering rehab at the end of last year, he decided to clean up his face too and get rid of that hairy beast. Once he lost the overgrown fur ball, he actually looked his age and not his father’s. Hopefully now he will get a haircut too to go with his new look!
BTW you can watch him Thursdays on TLC at 9p on American Chopper!


Hot Links!
August 23rd, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is one fugly woman? – Dlisted
Sister Gaga – Yeeeah!
Sad pussy – Tabloid Prodigy
Pete Wentz's face says it all – ICYDK
The Situation is worth $5 million? – Popbytes
Mariah Carey far or pregnant? – Celebitchy
That's why they got married? – Farandulista
Did Amy Winehouse get another boob job? – Hollywood PQ
Kim Kardashian is having a bad butt day – Amy Grindhouse
Who was denied entry to an Emmy party? – Gabby Babble
A yummy heart attack between two buns! – Agent Bedhead


Hatchet 2 starts October off with a boo!
August 23rd, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

The highly anticipate sequel to Adam Green’s Hatchet will start the scariest month of the year off with a boo when it comes out on October 1st. Although we can’t tell that much from the teaser trailer, if Hatchet 2 is half as scary as the first one you are not going to want to sleep with the lights off until after Halloween. Plus when was the last time Tony Todd did a bad horror movie?


BTWF roles: Andie MacDowell in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
August 23rd, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Andie MacDowell was teaching Georges proper etiquette in Green Card, she was teaching it to Tarzan in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 26 in that 1984 movie.


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