Charisma Carpenter attended Comic-Con dressed in an unflattering white dress and I have no idea why. You would think the actress that has 3 cult hits (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Veronica Mars) would dress more for her fan boys. It is not like we haven’t seen her in revealing leather dresses or even less, so why did she all of a sudden become prude? Even if she wasn’t at Comic-Con, I would still say that dress is hideous so I really want to know what she was thinking when she put it on.
Joel Gretsch (checkered shirt) and Colin Ferguson (grey shirt) were finally photographed together at Comic-Con! I don’t know about you, but for some reason I confuse the V/4400 and the Eureka stars up. I don’t know why I do, but I do. Now that I have seen the two of them together, I can finally tell them apart. And I know I am not the only one who does this because WireImage also confused them up , so I don’t feel as bad.
So now which one is Joel and which one is Colin maybe there is hope that one day I will be able to tell which one is Seth Rogen and which one is Jonah Hill?
SyFy has released a scene from Mega Python vs Gatoroid and I think the movie starring Tiffany and Debbie Gibson is going to be a Mega hit. I Think that Generation X guys should watch it Alone because they just had their wet Electric Dreams come true seeing the two ’80s teen queens battle it out like that and end up all wet. You know they have been waiting over 20 years to see the rumored rivals have a Mega cat fight like that.
Seriously I knew this movie was going to be good, but after watching that scene it looks like it is going to be better than I ever thought it could be! I just wish we didn’t have to wait until next year to see the movie premiere on SyFy!
Before Jeff Fahey biggest problem was trying to get off the island on Lost, he was trying not to get fired on One Life to Live. If it wasn’t for his voice, I never would have know that that 31 year old actor on that soap in 1984 is the same guy we know today. OMG how f*cking hot was he back then? Not that he still isn’t good looking now, but he was so doable back then!!!