Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Drop Dead Diva is alive again tonight!
June 6th, 2010 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]

Jane/Deb is back on Lifetime tonight at 9p, and the Drop Dead Diva is very much alive. Tonight’s episode picks up where the cliffhanger season finale left off. We learn why Jane’s husband has come back into her life and more about why they got married. Will her hubby’s sudden appearance cost her her new boyfriend? And her husband isn’t the only man that comes back into her life? Now forgetting about her love life, her work life is still in turmoil. Will she be disbarred? By the end of tonight’s episode we will get answers to all of those questions and we will be quickly be reminded why we fell in love with this show last year. So whether you watched the first season or tonight’s is your first time, tune into Drop Dead Dive on Lifetime at 9p for a show that leaves a smile on your face. And who doesn’t need that before they start their work week?


Oh look it’s all five of The Osbournes!!!
June 6th, 2010 under The Osbournes. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday all five of the Osbournes, Ozzy, Sharon, Jack, Kelly and Aimee…yes Aimee, made a rare appearance together at Spike TV’s Guys Choice Awards. Amy has opted to remain out her family’s spotlight since their reality show on MTV, but yesterday she actually came out to support her dad who won the Outstanding Literary Achievement Award. Who knew writing a book was all it took?
I don’t know why she doesn’t attend more events with her family because you know what they all look great together!
BTW how rare was it to see all 5 of them together? The last time we got a family portrait them on WireImage was 2002 (a month after The Osbournes premiered) when Ozzy got his star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Phyllis Diller still has it!
June 6th, 2010 under Old Hollywood. [ Comments: 1 ]

Phyllis Diller is 92 years young and she still knows how to work a red carpet better than anyone! She was the plastic surgery queen before Joan Rivers and Kathy Griffin and she looks 92% (a percentage for each she has been alive) natural and better than them. Seriously doesn’t she look great? She doesn’t look anywhere close to her age. If any of her plastic surgeons are still practicing or even alive, I totally want their numbers because they know to do it right.


Rhianna copies Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman’s look
June 6th, 2010 under Rihanna. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know what Rihanna was thinking when she got her hair done like this, but she so does not look good with Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman’s hair. She is a beautiful woman that has been able to some how pull of so many crappy hairstyles, but even she can’t make this one work. As soon as she can change it up, she totally needs to.
Oh and BTW that outfit isn’t working for her either, it makes her torso look really short thus making her look like she has put on a few pounds which I am sure she hasn’t.


Catch a shark on Expedition Great White tonight!
June 6th, 2010 under National Geographic. [ Comments: none ]

Dr. Michael Domeier says, “…what I really want … is to understand the entire life cycle of white sharks.… Once we learn that, we could help put together a comprehensive management plan to protect white sharks year round.” So what he is doing is capturing great whites, tagging them, setting them free and letting you watch his journey on National Geographic Channel’s Expedition Great White. You will get a never-before-seen view of what they go through, and the risks they put themselves in to help the apex predator of the sea. You will feel the thrill and danger with them, but you are protected by watching from the comfort of you own home. Even though you are comfortable your heart will be racing in the excitement of it all. So tune in for two episodes tonight on NGC at starting at 9p and every Sunday from now on at 10p.


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