Victoria Beckham has nicknamed her husband Golden Balls and now he is really earning that title in the bedroom. Posh Spice wants her own little Spice Girl after three boys and she is forcing her husband to have sex not once, not twice, not thrice, not four times but five times a day. Becks who is off the field due to an injury is definitely getting plenty of exercise and it is leaving him exhausted. A friend told The Sun “He’s not complaining. But with all the strapping on his foot just getting about is hard enough, let alone bedroom gymnastics five times a day. Vic is desperate to get pregnant and has a timetable for sex. From what David’s said it basically means he must produce the goods whenever it’s possible and be on continuous standby. He’s exhausted and is just trying to get his energy back for Victoria’s return.” At least when it is time for him to play again he will have the stamina for it. That and he will probably want to get away from his wife to get some rest. For once in his life he will get more rest on the soccer field than in his own bed. Hopefully for him Victoria will get pregnant soon so that he will still have some golden balls left. Good thing his is not doing any more underwear adverts because he might not have anything left to show at the rate they are going at it.
Bauer-Griffin Online
Bradley Cooper is filming his new movie The Dark Fields and they changed up his hair for the movie. By the looks of these pictures he doesn’t like his new look and he is not the only one. It is amazing that he can look great one minute and like crap the next. But to his girlfriend Renee Zellweger he always looks good because everything looks better when you squint…and she is always squinting!
Before Kate Jackson was one of Charlie’s Angels, she was trapped in time on Dark Shadows. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 22 in that 1971 episode.
Tonight on In Plain Sight at 10p we get to see how Mary and Marshall first met. A married couple, who were Mary and Marshall’s first case together, find their lives are in jeopardy after someone breaks into their house and steals some pictures from their old lives. As the US Marshalls try to protect them we get flashbacks of how these two became partners and we get to see Mary McCormack with bangs. Let me tell you that is reason enough to watch tonight’s episode on USA, but seriously seeing if there was chemistry between Mary and Marshall from the beginning is more interesting. So tune into an episode that explains how it all started.
BTW next week’s episode of In Plain Sight is a must watch because it has a very sad shocking ending that will leave you in tears.