Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » April
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The pros and cons of KFC’s Double Down
April 14th, 2010 under Comedy Central, Fast Food, Talk Shows. [ Comments: 1 ]

So I woke up this morning and I was debating whether or not to get the new sandwich from Kentucky Fried Chicken. In case you have missed what that heart attack inducing sandwich is, here is what the Double Down is…instead of using bread they use two pieces of either friend or grilled chicken and stuff it with 4 slices of cheese, two pieces of bacon and their special sauce. When I saw the Double Down my stomach went yum and my heart went dumb dumb. So since my body had such conflicting thoughts, I have seriously been wondering what to do. Well yesterday on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon he did the pros and cons of ordering the Double Down and thanks to him I have made my decision…the belly wins and the heart loses! Hopefully the heart won’t choose to get revenge on me for eating it.
BTW here is my question to KFC, I understand they are offering a healthy alternative by offering up grilled chicken instead of fried but with that sandwich does it really matter? I mean if you are going to eat that cholesterol rising sandwich why not go all the way and get it fried? I mean at that rate is it really worth saving yourself from the 80 extra calories and 9 grams of fat?
Finally has anyone tried the Double Down and how freaking delicious was it???

UPDATE: Here is Stephen Colbert eating the Double Down on Comedy Central show Colbert Nation, he reinforced my decision to get it!

(starts at 3:00 in)


Hot Links!
April 13th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who has a mole on their a$$? – Celebitchy
Who wore a tiny bikini? – Yeeeah!
Celebrities go nude Allure – Gabby Babble
Which mistress apologized? – Litely Salted
Which Hills star is suing the show? – ICYDK
Justin Bieber has street cred? – Amy Grindhouse
She's back, now when will she go away? – Popbytes
Britney Spears before and after photoshopping – Dlisted
Even Heidi Montag's sis thinks she is a joke – CelebJihad
Who actually thinks Michael Bay makes amazing movies? – AB


The Desperate Housewives stand behind Mark Cherry
April 13th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: none ]

So last week Nicollette Sheridan filed a lawsuit against her former boss alleging that the show creator hit her and fired her for complaining about his. Well today his remaining Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher, Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria and Felicity Huffman released a joint statement defending him according to People.

“It would be irresponsible of us to let the public believe that being a part of this show from its inception has been anything but a blessing. We have no first-hand knowledge of what Nicollette may or may not have experienced, but we would never characterize our set as a hostile environment. It is, in fact, the opposite. The friendships and support that Marc Cherry, the cast, the crew and the producers have shared for the past six years have made this a wonderful job that we are grateful for every day.”
Teri Hatcher added:
“While my adoration and respect for the classic and dynamic chemistry of the characters of Susan and Edie is indelible, I’m honored to stand with Eva, Felicity and Marcia, as a group and clarify that our set environment is nothing less than an amazingly positive experience. I have never felt discriminated against. In fact, I have felt heard and respected by Marc and other executives in regards to both my professional and personal needs.”

It would be interesting to hear what they would’ve said if this was the last season of the show. Just saying.


BTWF roles: Jayma Mays on Six Feet Under
April 13th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Glee. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 1:10 in)

Before Jayma Mays was a singing and dancing on Glee, she was doing it on Six Feet Under for Survivor. How awwwdorable was the 25 year old actress with frizzy hair in that 2005 episode?


Say Hell-o again to Glee tonight!
April 13th, 2010 under Glee. [ Comments: none ]

After 4 months of waiting Glee is finally back on Fox tonight at 9:28p. I have seen this week’s and next week’s episode and I forgot how much I loved this show until I saw them. Glee just keeps getting better with every episode and next week’s Madonna might be the best one ever! I can’t stop watching it, so make sure to set your DVRs and Tivos because you are going to want to keep that episode forever.
Tonight’s episode picks up a little after the last one left off, and there will be a lot changes coming. I don’t want to spoil you because Glee is meant to be enjoyed and not spoiled. So sit back tonight at 9:28p, tune your TVs to Fox and enjoy while you sing along with Glee. The show really is one of the best produced scripted programs that has ever graced television.


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