Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » April
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Jon Hamm loses the beard!
April 15th, 2010 under Jon Hamm. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Now that Mad Men is back in production, Jon Hamm shaved odd his beard. All I have to say is that I am so happy that the Mad Men are back at work because he looked awful with that Grizzly Adams look going on. His face is too sexy to be hidden by all of that facial hair.


Hot Links!
April 15th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Shrek and friends get dirty and I don't mean with mud – AB
Whose bikini doesn't fit? – CelebJihad
LeAnn Rimes gets banged – Celebitchy
Charlie Sheen gets a pornstache –Dlisted
Tori Spelling getting a divorce? – Popbytes
Knox Jolie-Pitt and his grandmother – Gabby Babble
Justin Timberlake makes fun of Jessica Biel? – ICYDK
The Jersey Shore girls clean up, but not so well – AG
Who doesn't love Eric Stonestreet? – Right Celebrity
Which rapper did Rufus Wainwright out? – Litely Salted


This is the only beaver Mel Gibson is getting now
April 15th, 2010 under Mel Gibson. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Splash News Online)

Mel Gibson and the mother of his eighth child have split. According to Star Magazine Oksana Grigorieva accused him of cheating on her and not willing to the tie the knot. His ex-Sugar T!ts and him have a 6 month daughter, so at least she will get 17 and half years of child support from him for Lucia.
BTW who else is thinking that Michelle “Bombshell” McGee and him would make a great couple?


BTWF ads: Jason Alexander for Canada Dry
April 14th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Jason Alexander, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jason Alexander was working for the Yankees in Seinfeld, he would watch the games in the bleachers and drink Canada Dry. How cute does that the 23 year old actor look with a full head of hair in that 1983 commercial?


Larry King is a single man again
April 14th, 2010 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Fame Pictures)

Larry King and Shawn Southwick, his wife of 12 years have both filed for divorce today. According to TMZ the CNN talk show host and 7th wife got in to a huge argument this morning because they say she thinks he was having an affair with her sister. TMZ spoke to her sister Shannon Engemann who denied the affair.
Larry King filed for joint custody of their two sons Chance, 11 and Cannon, 9, while Shawn asked for full custody. Shawn has asked for child and spousal support and Larry has asked not to pay spousal support.
Now that Larry King is a single man, I wonder if he will be hitting on all of his female guests and who will be (un)lucky wife #8?


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