We are just days away from the network Upfronts, where we will find out which pilots will become shows! But we don’t have to wait until to Monday to find out if Fox picked up Absolutely Fabulous for the fall, thanks to Nikki Finke we are finding out that the pilot that never should’ve been won’t go any further than that!!! Seriously what was Fox thinking in the first place by trying to Americanize the brilliant British show? Thankfully the Grim Reaper got this show… On that note, The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that The CW’s Reaper which seemed like a sure bet to be sent back to hell might actually live on for a third season. I watch this show (in fact I am watching it as I type) and even I was OK with the devil collecting this show’s soul. Maybe someone close to the show really did sell their soul to the devil because this show was lucky to see a second season let alone a third.
Robin Williams opens up for the first time to David Letterman about his open heart surgery tonight on CBS. Robin is looking good consider he had the surgery just two months ago! Just as Robin thanked his doctors, I want to thank them too because we need to keep him around for a lot longer. There is no one else quite like him and I love it that way!!!
Before Ewan McGregor was a Big Fish in movies, he was a playing a French Horn on the Scottish show A Touch of Music. How good was the 16 year old performing on the show in 1987?
xoxo Leona!!!
For the second day in a row little Ava has been riding around on her scooter in a Princess like dress with her father, Hugh Jackman; and she is giving Suri Cruise a run for her fashion title! Seriously how adorable does she look in that pink and white dress? And what makes it even more awwwdorable is that big smile on her face!!!
So the Judges of Dancing with the Stars got their wishes and the three they have been shoving down our throats from day 1 are going to the finals. Their win is our loss because the 3 most boring couples are the ones we have to sit through 3 hours of filler of next week. You have Gilles Marini, who is known for his body because there is really nothing more than that, Melissa Rycroft, who was dumped on national television and Shawn Johnson the robotic teenage Olympian. Who ever wins Dancing with the Stars can enjoy their mirror ball trophy and the press they do right afterwards because beyond I don’t see much for any of their careers. I really hope that next season the Judges realize this is television show and a dancing competition but a television show first. It is good that they can dance, but they really need the personalities to keeps us watching. And it is really sad when I think Ty Murray had the most personality out of the final four and he really didn’t have one. One more week!