Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » March
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Too much cuteness for one video!!!
March 20th, 2009 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

via Justine Bateman’s Twitter
Samsung Ultra Touch Phone came out with adorable commercial with kittens, puppies, check, bunnies and a hedgehog to sell their phone! All that cuteness worked on me because I want that phone now!


A DWTS/Grey’s Anatomy crossover with Steve-O
March 20th, 2009 under Jimmy Kimmel, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

With all the injuries on Dancing with the Stars 8 it only seems logical that ABC would do a crossover with their #1 reality show and their #1 drama Grey’s Anatomy. In a way it is too bad that it happened on Jimmy Kimmel Live!…but in a way better it was done on JKL! because I don’t think they could have pulled all those things out of Steve-O’s a$$ on the real Grey’s Anatomy. Maybe it wasn’t his mic pack he landed on, but a slinky instead. I wonder how many of those things he really did stick up his bum, I saw Jackass I know they really do that sort of thing.
Steve-O’s competitor Bachelor reject Melissa Rycroft will be on JKL! tonight on ABC at 12:05a.


Hot Links!
March 19th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who? – ICYDK
Lady Gaga shows her nipnip – Celebslam
Keri Russell's son is adorable – Scandalist
Who is TV's sexiest man? – Gabby Babble
An upskirt you don't want to see – Dlisted
Justin Timberlake or Moby? – Fatback Media
Jessica Alba's daughter's mean face – Farandulista
The saddest thing Lisa Rinna has ever done – Popbytes
You will never believe who almost did porn? – Celebitchy
Which Hills star is getting their own show? – Amy Grindhouse
What porn names did Jenna Jameson giver her twin boys? – CW
Drew Barrymore better with or without a bra? – Agent Bedhead

The Tudors are back on Showtime’s throne on April 5th!!!
March 19th, 2009 under The Tudors. [ Comments: 1 ]

The Tudors, one of the sexiest and most interesting shows on TV, will finally be back on Showtime on Sunday April 5th. This season of the show things will change up for King Henry VII who no longer has the Boleyns in his life and at least one more wife to add to it.
You don’t have to know anything about The Tudor Monarchy to love this show. I know I didn’t and I love learning about King Henry’s reign in England through this beautiful show.
It doesn’t matter whether you started the show with his first wife, or the first one who was beheaded; you can still enjoy this show and get to know King Henry the VIII and his third wife Jane Seymour starting on April 5th. Can’t wait until then, you can watch the whole first episode of the third season above!
Did I mention that Jonathan Rhys Meyers gets better looking with each wife?


First Hasbro, now Willy Wonka is making movies!!!
March 19th, 2009 under Movies. [ Comments: 1 ]

Funny or Die has the trailer from the first of the Willy Wonka movie series, Gobstopper the Movie!!! The Gobstopper Movie trailer made its debut last night at SXSW before all the horror movies were screened, and I hear the audience had a great reaction to it!!! I mean, the movie stars Christopher Lloyd as Willy Wonka, WeeMan as an Oompa Loompa and Friday Night Lights’ Zach Gilford as a victim!!! You know me, I am loving that the movie has that Eli Roth Cabin Fever (seriously wasn’t the opening just like CF) and Hostel feel with a mix of House of Wax and Saw!!!
I so can’t wait to see the Eric Appel and Mike Farah film when it comes to the big screen!!! Although I think their remake of Oompa Loompa song is going to give me nightmares.
BTW I think it is just brilliant that a horror movie trailer’s first look was on Funny or Die…the Die makes the website very appropriate!!!


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