Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » March
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Dennis Rodman loses it on tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice
March 22nd, 2009 under Dennis Rodman, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Dennis Rodman is lucky he made it to week 4 of Celebrity Apprentice, but will a heated discussion with Clint Black end his run on the NBC show? I really hope he stays on the show, now that the people I knew and the “personalities” like Andrew Dice Clay, Scott Hamilton and Tom Green are gone. We need someone like Dennis on the show especially when the groups merge the sexes, who else is going to put Joan Rivers in her place?
So find out what happens to Dennis tonight on NBC at 9p! And over on Twitter Annie Duke will be tweeting about the show love!


Ugly Betty or America Ferrera?
March 21st, 2009 under Ugly Betty. [ Comments: 5 ]

Believe it or not those pictures of America Ferrera are on her day off and not her on the set of Ugly Betty. The only way I could tell that she wasn't in her Ugly Betty costume is because she is not wearing her braces otherwise she looks the same.

Natasha Bedingfield’s single life is Unwritten!!!
March 21st, 2009 under Weddings. [ Comments: 3 ]

(photos from Splash)
Natasha Bedingfield married businessman, Matthew Robinson, today in Malibu according to People!!!
Shortly after 5:30 p.m. local time, about 150 guests watched Bedingfield walk down a grassy lawn on an aisle decorated with rose petals in a white strapless gown with a veil.

She had four bridesmaids and one flower girl, and walked back down the aisle to Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." 
Natasha was wearing Vera Wang and she looked as beautiful as her singing voice!!!

Guess that cute little boy?
March 21st, 2009 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who that little boy grew up to be then click here!


Death coming to House
March 21st, 2009 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House. [ Comments: 4 ]

Watch with Kristin has a big scoop, someone from House is going to die…and for real this time and it will stick. One member of the show will not be back next, but the question is who? She gave us 5 clues who isn't, but that doesn't help because it actually makes it seem like it could be more people as compared to less. She did say one more thing before she went on maternity leave (good luck!), that the death will be shocking. Over at Michael Ausiello he says a major character will committ suicide by the end of the season. So if the two have the same tip, I wonder if the person is Taub? If you remember he was very against suicide in the episode about it, so maybe that was a clue from the show's producers??? Personally I hope it isn't him, but Foreman instead. I think the writers have done as much as they can with him on the show. Who do you think it is? And who do you want it to be?

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