Even before we got to know Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani on Friends, he was still that same actor wannabe flirt in this Heinz commercial. How cute was the 20 year old Matt in 1987? And how brilliant was that commercial? Now I am off to try that to see if that works. There is truth in advertising, right?
SOW note: As you can tell I am trying to start a new post called Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, game show contestants, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of these on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at [email protected]!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!
The new Volume of Heroes starts tonight at 9p on NBC and boy is it good! Nathan is starting to round up people with abilities including Parkman, Hiro, Suresh, Tracey and Peter to name a few. Some of the Heroes will have new abilities while poor Hiro is still without his. I guess Nathan jumped the gun when he had him kidnapped. BTW you are going to hate hate hate Nathan by the end of this episode?
Seriously this episode is so action packed it will feel like you watched a whole season in one episode. And I didn’t even mention the ending that will have you waiting on pins and needles until next Monday to find out what happens!!!
So tune into Heroes tonight on NBC at 9p because it is crash landing back in to our must watch shows!
On that note another must watch show is back and it is a good fit with Heroes, Medium finally returns to NBC tonight at 10p after Heroes.
The good news is that Jessica Simpson took off her thick belts, the bad news whoever is styling her still makes her look chunky. She needs a stylist who will dress her for her curves and not like she is going shopping at the mall.