Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Morrissey
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Who would want to grope Morrissey?
July 30th, 2015 under Morrissey. [ Comments: none ]

Morrissey was traveling through the San Fransisco airport yesterday and he claims that one of the TSA Agents got too familiar with him.
The singer released a statement saying he went through the detector and everything seemed fine. Then he added, “Before I could gather my belongings from the usual array of trays I was approached by an ‘airport security officer’ who stopped me, crouched before me and groped my penis and testicles. He quickly moved away as an older ‘airport security officer’ approached.” Morrissey then says that he was with two members of British Airways Special Services who so “horrified at the sexual attack” they suggested he lodge a complaint. Morrissey explained that at first he was hesitant to do so, but eventually he did.
Even though he thought the complaint would be ignored, a TSA spokesperson told Rolling Stone, “TSA takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and strives to treat every passenger with dignity and respect. Upon review of closed circuit TV footage, TSA determined that the supervised officer followed standard operating procedures in the screening of this individual.”
As of now, Morrissey has not responded to the TSA responding to him.


It was a hugging fan frenzy for Morrisey
May 8th, 2014 under Morrissey. [ Comments: none ]

Maybe Morrisey should stop singing One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell at his concerts because yesterday when he was singing it in San Jose serveral fans jumped the stage to hug him. They might have been thinking that yesterday was the day that Goodbye really meant farewell and wanted to get that last hug in before it was too late.
Why him, is beyond me because I never ever got his appeal. But that is me and not all of those fans who got to touch their idol.


Jimmy Kimmel and Duck Dynasty respond to Morrissey
February 27th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Morrissey. [ Comments: none ]

Morrissey was supposed to be on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, but pulled out at the last minute because the cast of Duck Dynasty was also booked to be on the show. The vegan posted this message on a fan site, “As far as my reputation is concerned, I can’t take the risk of being on a show alongside people who, in effect, amount to animal serial killers. If Jimmy cannot dump Duck Dynasty then we must step away.”
Well Kimmel being a late night host couldn’t let that cancellation go unnoticed, so he responded to the singer who cancelled a bunch of recent performances because of a bleeding ulcer and this would’ve been his first show since. The ABC late night host explained his decision why he kept the animal serial killers as guests over the singer, “While I respect his stance on this, I really do. There’s a very good reason why I didn’t dump the Duck Dynasty guys for Morrissey, and it’s because they have guns and Morrissey doesn’t.” Then he added this about the former singer of The Smiths, “He keeps finding new ways to depress.” So sad, but true.
Then Kimmel explained that the guys from Duck Dynasty are not only about selling duck calls, they debuted their latest products for Vegans…Carrot Calls and Uncle Si’s Tea Cup Broccoli Trap. Maybe Morrissey jumped the gun before he got to know them?
But in all seriousness when Kimmel asked them about Morrissey later on in the show, one of them said “We don’t hold it against him at all. Whoever he is, we love him as our neighbor.” I think they came off so much better than Morrissey did over the matter. Personally I never got Morrissey’s appeal, I always thought he was overrated and this confirmed it to me.


Don’t throw things at Morrissey
November 8th, 2009 under Morrissey. [ Comments: none ]

So Morrissey was performing his second song in Liverpool yesterday when someone threw a bottle at him and it him on the head. He stood up afterwards, said goodbye and walked off the stage. According to NME, someone came out 15 minutes later and said that show was over because of it and they would get a full refund. I am not a fan of Morrissey’s, but even I admit that was f*cked up that someone threw a bottle at him. That there is no excuse for. I feel bad for fans that got screwed because of that one jerk!


Morrissey collapsed during a show
October 24th, 2009 under Morrissey. [ Comments: none ]

Morrissey collapsed tonight while performing at a show in England and was taken to the hospital. A fan told the BBC he did not look well and kept covering his mouth like he was going to be sick before he collapsed.

A Great Western Ambulance Service spokeswoman said: Just after 9pm we got a call to a 50-year-old who was reported to be suffering from respiratory problems and was unconscious.
“We sent a paramedic in a double-crewed ambulance.
“When they arrived they found a conscious patient who was not feeling well at all.
“They made an initial assessment and took him to the Great Western Hospital for further assessment.”

Morrissey’s condition is listed as stable and hopefully he will be better soon. No word when he or if he will continue his tour that is going throughout Europe and The US until mid-December.


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