Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » February
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Didn’t Rebecca Romijn have twins a month ago?
February 2nd, 2009 under Ugly Betty. [ Comments: 1 ]

She looks amazing, but I want to know the secret to how Rebecca Romijn and all these other Hollywood moms lose their baby fat so quickly.

Young Simon Cowell!!!
February 2nd, 2009 under American Idol 8, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: 1 ]

Back in 1979 when Simon Cowell was just 19 years old he went his family to Antigua and he met 9 year old Melissa Zimmelstern whose family took pictures of them. Flash forward 30 years, she shared her photos and her time with then poor Simon with The Sun!!! OMG! I am so glad she shared the pictures with him because they are priceless. In 30 years he hasn't changed a bit except now his breasts are little bigger!!!

The Stars of DWTS 8 will be announced
February 2nd, 2009 under Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: none ]

ABC and Dancing with the Stars will announce who will be dancing this Sunday during their primetime lineup! So that means throughout their programming on Sunday starting at 8p with Extreme Makeover Home Edition then Desperate Housewives and finally Brothers & Sisters, they will be announcing different stars during the different shows. It will be interesting to see not which stars are dancing, but which dancers will be dancing too.
Life & Style reported that Karina Smirnoff recently had knee surgery, but as of now she will be dancing once again.
Dancing with the Stars will be back on ABC dance floor on March 9th!!!


How I Met Awesome Barney Stinson!!!
February 2nd, 2009 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight on How I Met Your Mother Barney Stinson gives Robin Sparkles a run for her best singer on the show title when he debuts his Awesome new music video!!! The song is legen-wait fori t-dary!!!
So tune into CBS’ How I Met Your Mother at 8:30p for an awesome episode with an awesome video by the awesome Barney Stinson aka Neil Patrick Harris!!! And make sure to also watch the Chuck Lorre bread shows The Big Bang Theory at 8p and Two and a Half Men at 9p around HIMYM’s meat!!!

UPDATE: Here are two more sites to check out…Barney Stinson’s Video Resume and Ted’s College Radio Persona – Doctor X!!!

UPDATE 2: Here is the Awesome video!!!


House turns 100 tonight on Fox!!!
February 2nd, 2009 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House. [ Comments: 1 ]

Can you believe that House is airing its 100th episode tonight? Well after 99 diagnoses House will solve his 100th medical mystery tonight and he is still as grumpy as ever and that is just how I love him.
On tonight’s episode Foreman puts not only his medical career in jeopardy for Thirteen (Remy) but also her life. Will she survive what Foreman did to her and more importantly will he survive what he did to her? Also tonight Wilson finally starts to move on from the loss of Amber, when one of the doctors he admired is House’s patient.
Tonight at 8p on Fox is another must watch episode, but then again aren’t they all?


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