Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » February
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Ricki Lake to run Charm School 3
February 5th, 2009 under VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 3 ]

(start it at 4:30 in)

VH1 Blog has announced that former-talk show host and actress Ricki Lake is going to take over for Mo’Nique and Sharon Osbourne as the head of Charm School 3. She will be trying to teach the girls of Rock of Love Bus and Real Chance of Love how to have class.

We are thrilled to have Ricki spearheading this new take on Charm School. Our audience knows her, loves her and respects her. And Ricki certainly knows a thing or two about taking big, loud characters and bringing them to a place of new emotional understanding,” said Jeff Olde, Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Production, VH1.

While Ricki might know a lot about taking on big, loud characters, how much does she really know about class? I just have never seen her show that side of her. Not that she is tactless, but you know what I mean?


I wonder what Diddy is buying with that wad of cash?
February 5th, 2009 under P Diddy. [ Comments: 2 ]

In these tough economic times, I know which bank to go to if I need money…The Bank of Diddy. Luckily for him all those financial execs who just had their salaries cut to $500,000 were at home crying and not at the NY Knicks game. Could you imagine what they would have done to him if they saw all that green in one hand?
BTW dang who carries that much cash around with them like that besides him? I wonder what or who he was buying with all the cash?

Jimmy Kimmel Live! proves why I don’t sell on CraigsList
February 5th, 2009 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

The other night Jimmy Kimmel Live! had a guy on the show who met his wife selling things on CraigsList when he realized that doing so was a chick magnet. So Jimmy Kimmel decided to be the girl and buy something on CraigsList! His attempt to buy a $5 used T-Shirt from the Gap is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time.
Seriously who sells a used T-Shirt on CraigsList for $5, I guess the same the guy, who when Jimmy Kimmel comes to your house to buy it and then strips down and comes out only wearing your towel, would sell the towel he wore on CraigsList.

I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel would front me the $10 to buy that towel? I will pay him back next time I go to a taping. Unless he buys what I am selling on CraigsList first!!!


No Karate Kid for the Karate Kid
February 5th, 2009 under Ralph Macchio. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)
The director who is doing the new Karate Kid told OK! Magazine that the original and only Karate Kid Ralph Macchio will not be in his crappy remake.
"It's not the kind of movie where he could do a cameo, but I think he's a great actor," Zwart told OK! on the red carpet of the Pink Panther 2 premiere in NYC on Feb. 3.

Indeed, Zwart says there are going to be some significant changes in the new Karate Kid. "I think with Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan and us going to Beijing and shooting it, it's already different enough," he tells OK!. "I think it's a great story that could easily be retold."

So if it is a different enough, why are they are saying it is a remake of Karate Kid and not just a movie about a kid who does karate? Losers.
BTW all I have to say about the director is he directed Agent Cody Banks and Pink Panther 2…seriously doesn't it say it all…like how sophmorish it is going to be! The only award this movie is going to Wax On is the Razzies and even they are better than this.
BTW Ralph Macchio it is their loss not yours.

Hot Links!
February 4th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess that female – Agent Bedhead
Ugly Betty kissing spoiler – Splash
Pray for Jade Goody – Celeb Warship
Demi Moore's beauty secrets – Popbytes
Lily Allen is too old for this – Gabby Babble
What is Chewbacca doing to Kristen Bell? –WIMB
Hilary Duff vs Faye Dunaway take 2 – Candy Kirby
Listen how much Etta James hate Beyonce – Dlisted
VH1's New York talks about her vajayjay  – Scandalist
Jennifer Aniston still talking about Brad Pitt – Celebitchy
Another straight-to-DVD movie for Jessica Simpson – Bricks & Stones

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