Last year my greatest holiday gift was discovering that Billy Idol has a Christmas album, but what was even better were the music videos that went with those songs. It was the gift that kept giving me happiness and joy! I hope that no matter what you celebrate that you too get gifts that leave you with happiness and joy throughout the year! And that you can survive the time you spend with family and that they are tolerable!!! Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa!!!
Seriously? OMG! WTF?
PS You readers are the best gift I will get this holiday! Too cheesey?
David, Victoria, Romeo and Cruz Beckham dressed up for a Christmas meal and they looked really good doing it! Romeo is going to be a ladies killer if he keeps his hair like that! And how adoorable is Cruz wirh those reindeer antlers? Hope all 3 boys get everything they want for Christmas…which I am sure they will!!!
This video is the parody of the man who was trapped in an elevator for 41 hours. While the real story (below) is not funny the parody above is one of the funniest things I have seen in over 41 hours!!! Enjoy!!!
How adorable was Keanu Reeves doing this commercial for Corn Flakes in 1987? This was even before he filmed a little movie Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (my favorite all-time movie) that made him famous. I bet he wish he could go into that phonebooth now and go back in time and never had done that commercial, but I am personally glad he can’t!
SOW note: As you can tell I am trying to start a new post called Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of these on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at [email protected]!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!