This is one of the funniest videos I have seen in a while. First just the whole story of what is going on with Bobby Brown sleepwalks and pee. Then add in Dee Snider telling the story and pretending he still has the night guard in mouth. And then finally Bobby Brown’s request!!!
All I know is I am adding CMT’s Gone Country to my Tivo ASAP because I have been missing out on this classic show!!!
via Daily Mail
OMG! Cruz Beckham is the cutest kid in Hollywood! OMG did you see that little 2 year break dancing and steal the show? He is so going to be a star and heart breaker!!! I am so in cute overload with Cruz Beckham!!!
And for those of you who are like how could the Spice Girls bring their little ones on stage with all that loud noise, you can see that kids are wearing protective ear gear.
I just love seeing Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell hanging out together and having some fun! It is great to see that their great chemistry continues when the cameras are off!
BTW I didn't know Ryan Seacrest actually had time for free time?