Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » September
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Reba knocks Kanye West down a notch!!!
September 26th, 2007 under Reba McEntire. [ Comments: 3 ]

via Best Week Ever
So on Friday Kanye West was in VH1’s face saying he is number one. Well not anymore he is back to his loser status because little ole Reba McEntire out sold Kanye West in the second week of Graduation’s release. That is right Kanye West has already dropped out of the top spot after one whole week of being number one. According to Billboard:

After debuting at No. 1 last week, Kanye West’s Def Jam album “Graduation” falls to No. 2 with 226,000, a sales slide of 76%.

Ouch that has to hurt! Ha Ha Ha!!!!
But let’s get back to Reba who scored her first number one with Duets! You go girl!!! You richly deserved a number one album and I am glad your friends were there to share it with you!


Guess who has the hands of a 100 year old woman?
September 26th, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: 1 ]

Want to see who those veiny hands belong to then click here!


Is Nashville the first cancelled show of the season?
September 26th, 2007 under Fox. [ Comments: 2 ]

Marc Berman is reporting that Fox has pulled Nashville from the schedule effective immediately and is replacing it with repeats of K-Ville for the next two weeks followed by a week of baseball and then the 2 hour premiere of The Next Great American Band on October 19th. While this sounds like certain death, Fox says that it does plan on bringing the show back at some point. Last year Fox's first new show Happy Hour was also pulled and eventually brought back so let's hope for the same for Nashville!
I really liked this show and I am bummed that Fox pulled it, but I have to admit the ratings were really bad. But then again what on Fox Friday ever does well…it is their graveyard night afterall so they should not expect shows on that day to do that good.

Bionic Woman premieres on NBC tonight at 9p!
September 26th, 2007 under NBC, Reviews. [ Comments: none ]

Bionic Woman is one of the most talked about shows on the new season and it is finally making its debut tonight on NBC at 9p.
Struggling as a bartender and surrogate mom to her teenage sister, Jaime Sommers (Michelle Ryan, "EastEnders") didn't think life could get much harder. But when a devastating car accident leaves her at death's door, Jaime's only hope for survival is a cutting-edge, top-secret technology that comes at a hefty price.

With a whole new existence and a debt to re-pay, Jaime must figure out how to use her extraordinary abilities for good — while weighing the personal sacrifices she will have to make. Ultimately, it's Jaime's journey of self-discovery and inner strength that will help her embrace her new life as the Bionic Woman in this new action-drama series.

Bionic Woman is nothing like the show it is "based" on except for the name of the show, the name of the character and fake body parts, so if you expecting the '70s version this is not the show for you. If you are just like the star of the show and were not born when the original was on you are going to love this show. Actually you could have been born when the original was on and still like this show.
Bionic Woman, just like Dark Angel, is going to be the cult hit of the season and Michelle Ryan is going to be the fantasy girl at conventions like Jessica Alba. The special effects on this show are amazing it is going to be great to watch how they evolve through the season as Jamie gets more used to her new body.
So tune in to NBC tonight at 9p to watch the Bionic Woman for the new millennium. 
On a side note, I think NBC should have teamed this show up with Heroes and Journeyman with Life…but that is just me. 

Guess who this little cutie belong to?
September 26th, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to if that little girl looks more like her mom or dad then click here!


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