Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » September
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Not The Bradys XXX!!!
September 25th, 2007 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: 1 ]

via ONTD
That is so wrong that it is right! Especially the part about Ron Jeremy playing Sam “The Butcher”!
I guess now Marcia and Jan will officially get it on unlike real life.


Christina Aguilera is really starting to show
September 25th, 2007 under Christina Aguilera. [ Comments: 2 ]

I wonder how much longer Christina Aguilera thinks she can remain quiet about her pregnancy?

How I Met Your Mother in a hot tub!!!
September 25th, 2007 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]

via HIMYM’s MySpace
I am so glad the fall TV season has started just for unaired scenes like this one that didn’t air on How I Met Your Mother! That is why Neil Patrick Harris was nominated and should’ve won the Emmy over that Jeremy Prickven!


Kiefer Sutherland previews the seventh season of 24!
September 25th, 2007 under Fox, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

via ET Online
Listening to Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer talk about the new season of 24, I can’t wait for the clock to start ticking on season 7 on January 13th and 14th on Fox!


Hugh Laurie is back in the Fox House tonight at 9p!!!
September 25th, 2007 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House, Reviews. [ Comments: none ]

OMG! House is back and better than ever!!! House as we know lost his team in the season finale and I have to admit I don't miss them at all!!! We get some new characters like Wicked Wilson and Conniving Cuddy and both are so awesome! There is something about the way that the three play together that House doesn't need his team. After watching the first two episodes, you kind of feel that they have been weighing him down for the last three seasons…sorry to Jennifer Morrison, Omar Epps and Jesse Spencer.
Besides getting Wicked Wilson and Conniving Cuddy we get a new bunch of  doctors (40 to be exact) trying to get a fellowship with House. They include Olivia Wilde from The Black Donnellys, Kal Penn from Harold and Kumar go to The White Castle and Peter Jacobson from The Starter Wife. The new doctors bring new specialties and new interesting ways to solve the cases. BTW the cases are just as good as they were always were and not as predictable because like I said new specialties new ways to solve the cases!!! And for those you who really like House's old team, don't worry they slowly come back in the second episode!
So tune into House tonight on Fox at 9p (after Bones) to see what is shaping up to be the best season ever!!!

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