Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » July
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Tom Cruise’s All the Wrong Moves
July 28th, 2007 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 2 ]

I don't know what is more gross, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes dirty dancing or Tom Cruise's sweaty shirt. 

A Claire Danes nip slip
July 28th, 2007 under Celeb Oops, Claire Danes. [ Comments: 2 ]

Claire Danes will do anything to promote Stardust. I guess when you have breasts as small as hers, she doesn’t need a bra she just needs a shirt that show them when she bends down.
To see the NSFW version then click here!


Does Nicole Richie look pregnant?
July 27th, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: 3 ]

So Nicole Richie came out of hiding to take the deal offered to her for her second DUI arrest. According to Celebitchy she will serve a total of 4 whole days, 96 hours before September 28th. She also has to pay a fine of $2,048 and take a 21 day alcohol course by 2009. I was hoping she would be behind bars a little longer so Lindsay Lohan and her could be cell mates.
Now back to pregnancy rumors, I am not sure if she looks pregnant in these pictures. This is a girl who would look pregnant if she had gas, so if she was in her second trimester wouldn't she be showing big time by now??? 

Showtime will make Sundays hotter in August
July 27th, 2007 under Showtime. [ Comments: none ]


Starting August 13th at 10p, Showtime will be heating up the small screen with the third season of Weeds and the new David Duchovny show Californication.  If those pictures are a hint to how hot those shows are going to be, I can't wait until August 13th!


Joe Simpson talks about Lindsay Lohan
July 27th, 2007 under Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Another Hollywood father feels the need to put his two cents in about Lindsay Lohan. This time it is not her own father, but Ashlee and Jessica Simpson's creepy day Joe Simpson who opens up to In Touch,

 How do you feel about what's happening to Lindsay?
I feel sad for her and for what she is going through. Teenagers become women and become adults and in this fast-paced life everyone struggles.

Is there a way to turn it around, and what would you advise her?
I'd tell her that it's never too late. That's what's beautiful about Hollywood and our dreams, and I think she can definitely come back. She's a wonderful actress with wonderful gifts.

What's the difference between Lindsay and, say Jessica, who have both struggled with fame?
They all make choices, all girls struggle. Both of my girls struggle with their own place — where they are flawed and make errors. We are human. Unfortunately, the whole world watches.

Do you talk to them about it?
Of course we do. We talk all the time. That's one of the reasons we stay close to our girls and try to be there when they need us and be away when they don't.

What's going on with the girls? Is Ashlee getting engaged?
No, please, not today! She's doing good working on her record and Jessica is making a movie. I just flew here from the set; she's in combat boots and a uniform, working.

I am shocked he did not offer to help her get back on track.


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