Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » June
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Indiana Jones wants you!!!
June 4th, 2007 under Harrison Ford. [ Comments: none ]

June 4, 2007
‘Indiana Jones 4’ extras call for New Haven shoot

It’s no secret that the cast and crew of “Indiana Jones 4” will be traveling to New Haven, Conn. to shoot a sequence for one of the most anticipated films of Steven Spielberg’s career, and now’s your chance to be a part of the action!

The production is holding an open casting call for extras to appear in a sequence where Indy tears through campus on a motorcycle (along Chapel Street in New Haven). The call, organized by Billy Dowd Casting, will be held on Monday, June 11 and Tuesday, June 12 at the Omni Hotel at Yale between 1 p.m.-9 p.m. both days.

You must be 18 years or older, and you must bring a headshot with you to the casting call. (Photos will not be returned, so make sure that it’s not your only copy.) Filming of the New Haven sequence will take place between June 28 and July 7.

Best of luck to anyone who attends the extras casting call. Be sure to share your experience of the call, or (if you get onto the film) the production itself with us in our “Indiana Jones” forum here at

Spielberg Films 

I think I might have to fly to New Haven just for that! Who else is in with me???


Should Nicole Richie be allowed to hike on windy days?
June 4th, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

Nicole Richie went hiking on a windy day in the Hollywood Hills with a friend yesterday and as you can see from the picture she had to hold on to him so she wouldn't fly away. OK I am exaggerating, but it works no?

Britney Spears hair extensions scare me
June 4th, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: 2 ]

Seriously Britney Spears is starting to remind me of Medusa with those hair extensions, she was better off with the wigs. And BTW doesn't she know you are not suppose to drink and tan? She is so going to peel like crazy when she gets back from Mexico.

Jared Leto comes out of the closet
June 4th, 2007 under Jared Leto. [ Comments: 7 ]

(photo from Dlisted
Jared Leto came out of the closet, but not for what you think. According to ITN  he said, "It's the responsibility of not only hippies, but all of us. I'm a closet hippy anyway – hence my long hair." He added, "You can get somebody to turn off the light or to unplug an appliance or to plant a tree. I think it's a wonderful thing, we've moved beyond the days of tree-hugging hippies being the example of environmentalism around the world." That makes so much sense, that so explains why he is the way he is.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the funniest one of them all?
June 4th, 2007 under Robin Williams, Sacha Baron Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

A Shrek, a Mork or a Borat? I wonder if those three are thinking of doing a movie together? Three Amigos: 2007? Seriously how awesomely funny would that be? Actually I would just love to see Robin Williams and Mike Myers do a movie together! Together the two of them could play all the roles in the movie with all the voices and characters they do!!! I just love Robin Williams!!!

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