Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Alanis Morissette does Fergie’s humps
April 2nd, 2007 under Alanis Morissette, Awesome Videos, Black Eyed Peas. [ Comments: none ]

via Dlisted
OK, I have to admit I really like Alanis Morissette’s version of Fergie’s My Humps. Now let’s get her to do London Bridges!!! And get Fergie to do You Oughta Know.


Ben Affleck kissing his number one gal!
April 2nd, 2007 under Ben Affleck. [ Comments: 2 ]

I think that Ben Affleck is the cutest dad in Hollywood even cuter than Brad Pitt. What I love most about Jennifer Garner and him is that two seem like really enjoy being parents! They love Violet and you know she loves them!!!
And again thank g-d he didn't marry that other Jennifer. 

Want to own KITT from Knight Rider?
April 2nd, 2007 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Knight Rider Online

The owner of one of the 4 camera ready KITT's from Knight Rider is selling the restored 1982 Trans Am for $149,995. The owner feels now is the time to sell it because it is the 25th Anniversary of the show according to Australian IT. Although the front still lights up, you cannot take the car for a drive because it is missing smog equipment and other modifications. So for the price of $149,995 you can own an expensive paperweight from Knight Rider if you really want it. Even though I think the price is crazy, you know someone is going to buy it.


The Real Wedding Crashers kills The Black Donnelys and Studio 60?
April 2nd, 2007 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]


NBC announced today that The Real Wedding Crashers will replace The Black Donnellys on April 23rd. The reality show produced by Ashton Kutcher will premiere on Monday, April 23 at 10p after the return (finally) of Heroes. NBC did not announce where and when TBD will return. But considering how badly the show is doing in the ratings it probably will only be seen online. The other sad news is there was a rumor that if TBD did about the same in the ratings as Studio 60 that Studio 60 would return to it's old timeslot. Well with The Real Wedding Crashers landing that timeslot, I think we can expect Studio 60 to wind up online too. Unless by some miracle NBC moves it to another night, but I won't hold my breath. Sunday does have some openings, so maybe it will go there?

Personally I think Kevin Reilly will have another failure on hands, but hey he is used to it because all the new shows except for Heroes bombed in the ratings. But yet he kept his personal favorites Friday Night Lights and 30 Rock on the air. I like Friday Night Lights, but that show does really bad in the ratings. There is always next year for him or the year after that…sadly.


Macy Gray performs in the raw
April 2nd, 2007 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: none ]

My eyes, my eyes. Ewww. Ewww, Ewww. For some sick and twisted reason Macy Gray thought her fans would want to see her perform nude. I don't know why because that is one of the grossest things I have seen ever.
If I went to the show I would want my money back and compensation for my doctor visits. I really hope that they burned that chair because it will never be clean again. Bleach and steam could not fumigate that thing.   

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