Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Hot Links!
April 9th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

What did SHAPE photoshop off of Kelly Ripa? – INO
Who is Ryan Reynolds linked to today? – ICYDK
Are these really the top 25 dancers, BET? – POTP
Who got dumped over Easter Weekend? – Yeeeah!
Want to see Steven Tyler's pee pee? – !! omg blog !!

Which celebs went from riches to rags? – Celebitchy
Why did JR Roten dump Britney Spears? – Ninja Dude

Kate Moss makes herself look even skinnier – Buzznet

Charlotte Church pregnant and in a bikini – The Blemish
How did Britney and K-Fed celebrate their divorce? – MMG
Why is Jenna Jameson losing fans faster than pounds – Dlisted
Which pregnant actress walked out on her hubby? – Allie is Wired
Who is a Mel Gibson, Michael Richards and Isaiah all roled into one? –CW
 Who is showing us the back of their bikini? – My Spanglish Vida

NBC still has some faith in Medium!
April 9th, 2007 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Medium Dreams

NBC announced today that they ordered 6 more scripts from Medium according to Reuters. I am surprised that they are doing that this late in the season, but I am not complaining! Last week's episode was one of the best in the show's history, so I am glad that NBC still believes in Medium. Now if only they would move it back to Mondays at 10p, they might actually have a show that goes with Heroes because I bet you a dollar that Wedding Crashers will crash faster than Peter did when the Invisible Hero threw him off the roof…but I digress. Now back to Medium, David Arquette directs his sister, Patricia Arquette on Wednesday's episode so it will be interesting to how that turns out! And here's to hoping NBC gives it a fourth season!


A sweet Dean McDermott, Tori Spelling and Liam moment!
April 9th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

They are just such a couple in love and as you can see how much they love Liam. I so want what they have. If you watch Tori & Dean: Inn Love you will see that their love is so true and so sweet and looking at that picture just makes me so envious. OMG, I am such a girl! I will stop now because I even made myself nauseous with what I wrote

Heather Mills quote of the night on DWTS
April 9th, 2007 under Dancing with the Stars, Heather Mills. [ Comments: none ]


"It is very hard to do a love story with someone you are not in love with"

I don't know about you, but I thought she faked it very well with Paul McCartney. Sorry I could not resist, since it looks like we will be stuck with her on Dancing with the Stars for a few more weeks and she made it just so easy to go off for that line.  


Candy Spelling offers Larry Birkhead some motherly advice
April 9th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Anna Nicole Smith. [ Comments: none ]


Candy Spelling reached to Larry Birkhead through TMZ with some motherly advice. Which makes me wonder if she has a crush on him! But seriously if you read this letter, don't you wonder why she is doing this?


Dear Larry:

As the court appearance that will change your life approaches, I am stepping into my role as a celebrity- by- association to share some experiences with you.

1) The hair, Larry: Most of the time, your hair looks great, and I'm sure you spend a lot of time getting it right. Just be warned that you might look good every day for a month. But the one day you leave in a hurry and don't pay enough attention, or you get a little wild with an untested new style — photos will be taken that will haunt you forever.
2) Fans/autograph seekers: Hollywood lives in fear of being yesterday's celebrity and ending up with an autograph languishing on eBay for days with no bids. If people want many copies, if they don't want you to personalize it, and/or they ask for Anna Nicole's name as part of your signature, nicely decline. If you slip and do see your autograph on sale, have a good friend bid more than 99 cents to buy it.

3) The lawyers: You've already found out that you have turned from man to cash machine. Lawyers aren't the only ones who will see you that way, especially if you are Dannielynn's biological father. The good news is that someone who presents you with a bill for $620,492.84 must think you have a good case. The bad news is that you will need more lawyers to fight the legal bills. My advice: Negotiate in advance, and put in a clause against expenses for lawyers, spouses, meals or laundry.

I wish you success in court on Tuesday, but beware: There's never enough preparation for "celebrity." I'll never get used to tour buses and cameras outside my house every day, reporters analyzing my grocery choices, and bloggers pretending to know more about my family than I do; but I do have a good life. Yours can be, too. Just remember that celebrity and/or money mean that nothing will ever be the same — and act accordingly.

All the best,

Candy Spelling

(photo from Celebrity Mound


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