Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Tara Reid’s uneven boobs
April 11th, 2007 under Tara Reid. [ Comments: 6 ]

How did Tara Reid's boob do that? Seriously, I am trying to figure that out. I tried mushing one of mine to mimic her look and I could not flatten it like hers…and mine are real. 

Is NBC betting on Tom Selleck?
April 11th, 2007 under NBC, Tom Selleck. [ Comments: none ]

The Hollywood Reporter says that NBC is in talks with Tom Selleck to replace James Caan on Las Vegas. If he accepts the job he would play the smart, powerful, fun-loving new owner of Montecito Resort & Casino. I think they left out the word sexy to describe him. There is just something about him, that I find so attractive. I never got his sexual appeal when he was doing Magnum PI, but when he was on Boston Legal…woah Nelly!  I hope he joins Las Vegas because it would be nice to see him back on weekly television…not that I will be watching.


Who is scratching their bum?
April 11th, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who had an itch they just had to scratch, the click here!


The simple reason Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie became friends again
April 11th, 2007 under Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Celebrity Warship
As we all know for years Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were not talking. We never really found out what was the big rift between them was, although it was rumored that Nicole was jealous that Paris was asked to host SNL and she wasn't so to retaliate she threw a watch the Paris Hilton sex tape party…fun. Now that they are friends again and their show is coming back on the air, we are finding out how the two became friends again. So according to IOL what was the ever so exciting reason that these two Simple girls are friends again, Paris said in interview "It was Nicole's birthday and I really missed her and I just decided to pick up the phone and call her. We just got together that night and it was like there was never anything that happened. It was weird, like we had seen each other yesterday." Isn't that just ever so exciting? Don't you feel better just knowing that?

Willa Ford is Anna Nicole Smith
April 10th, 2007 under Anna Nicole Smith. [ Comments: 1 ]

Variety is reporting that Willa Ford will play Anna Nicole Smith in the first, of I am sure many, movies about Anna Nicole Smith. And all I have to say is I just don't see it. I know she released a few albums and she was barely on Dancing with the Stars, but a has anyone seen her act? But then again this is a movie based on Anna Nicole Smith's life.

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