Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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The purrfect piano player
April 23rd, 2007 under Animals, Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

via Daily Mail
OMG! How amazing is that cat? But I wonder can that cat send IMs like my cat?


See Band from TV live on July 21st
April 23rd, 2007 under Band From TV, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House. [ Comments: none ]

From: Band From TV

Date: Apr 23, 2007 11:29 AM
Subject July 21, 2007 BFTV in OC
Body: Band From TV will be performing(post-game) at the OC Stadium at an Orange County Flyers Professional Baseball Game on July 21.
The OC Flyers is part owned by James Denton!

**Tickets are $5.00 plus you will also need to purchase a ticket to the baseball game.


Band from TV is made up Hugh Laurie from House, James Denton from Desperate Housewives, Greg Grunberg from Heroes, Bob Guiney from The Bachelor and few other TV actors. Maybe it is because I like Hugh Laurie so much, but I really want to see them live!


Heroes is finally back tonight!!!
April 23rd, 2007 under Heroes. [ Comments: none ]

After 7 long weeks Heroes is finally back on NBC tonight and after watching that clip, I cannot wait until 9p!!! Let’s hope it is not a disappointment like other shows…


Did you miss Robin Sparkles the first time around?
April 23rd, 2007 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]

via Robin Sparkle’s MySpace
Did you miss one of the best episodes of television ever when CBS originally aired the Robin Sparkles’ episode from How I Met Your Mother? Well tonight at 8p is your chance for you to catch it on CBS!!! Now as much I love that song and that video that was not the best part of the episode. The best part was the slap bet! Although most of the slap bet is in the below video, it is still better to see how it is played out on How I Met Your Mother…so tune into tonight at 8p! And I promise you will be slap betting yourself happy!!! Gives new meaning to slapstick humor!!!

via How I Met Your Mother on MySpace
Now as many of you know, How I Met Your Mother is a bubble show. Which means CBS might not pick it up next year, and that is something I don’t want to happen. So in honor of such great campaigns like sending locks of hair to save Felicity, Tabasco bottles for Roswell, water bottles for Invasion and the Ferris Wheel for Everwood, I think I have an idea on how we can save How I Met Your Mother. In honor of Robin Sparkles, I say let’s send Les Moonves letters full of loose glitter. You know how annoying it is when you get an invitation full of glitter well imagine how irritating it will be to get a whole bunch of letters with glitter in them!!! So who wants to do this with me???
Send your glitter filled letters that will sparkle their way over to CBS at:

Chairman CBS-TV
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Third Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90036


Val Kilmer’s movie people messed with the wrong person
April 23rd, 2007 under Val Kilmer. [ Comments: 1 ]


Seems Val Kilmer is filmimg a movie on a residential street and the owners of the houses on the block left their cars out in the streets. So what is the big deal about that? Well seems the production needs to the spaces to park the port-o-toilets and they need them now. Nothing is worse that an actor who has to go to the bathroom especially when his name is Val Kilmer. 

So back to how they messed with the wrong person. One of the people on the crew banged on one of resident's door and said to her, "You need to move your f**king car because we need to park the toilets for the Val Kilmer movie." Which is so wrong on so many levels, but what the crew member did not realize the person she cursed out is married to someone who works at TMZ and now Kelli Lassen's name is all over TMZ. Maybe Kelli will learn her lesson, but I highly doubt it.


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