Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Season (Series?) Finale of The Class on tonight
March 5th, 2007 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

The Class ends it’s season tonight at 8:30p on CBS. When I saw the pilot for show back in September, I will be honest I hated it. But as the season went on it became one of my must watch TV Shows. Now tonight it ends it’s season in March, and I can’t think of another show that ended its season this early and was renewed for the following year. So take a moment with me and say good-bye to a great show…Bye Bye The Class!


More BS from the Grey’s Anatomy set?
March 5th, 2007 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]


People Magazine asked Kate Walsh and Sara Ramirez about what has been going on with Katherine Heigl and the Grey's Anatomy contract negotiations. "She's a super-talented girl," Kate said. "Everyone's just working hard." She added this about the contract negotiations, " I literally just worked with Katherine the other night. We just go to work. I don't know – I don't really get into all the stuff. Everybody is doing their own thing with negotiations." Sara had to say this, "She's lovely….Everybody's very professional – not just Katherine – but everybody else too. At the end of the day, we all have to be grateful for our jobs. We're working actors, and not only that, we're on a hit show." Shondra Rhimes, creator of the show, had no comment. The reason why I titled this more BS from the Grey's Anatomy set? is because this sounds just like the reaction the cast had when everything first went down with Isaiah Washington. Just makes me wonder if not everything is hunky dory on the Grey's Anatomy set as they would like us to believe. Luckily there are no award shows coming up for Katherine to say something she will later regret…


Suri Cruise allowed out again!
March 5th, 2007 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are actually letting Suri out more often these days. First there was the sighting with her paternal grandmother and Katie, then Tom took her to the Oscar rehearsals and now they let her go to Conner's basketball game! It is so nice to see her actually out in sunlight! And is it just me or is Tom Cruise's nose getting bigger?

Hot Links!
March 5th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Why are The Andres dressed to meet a Queen? – Dlisted
Rehab is hell on Britney Spears – Yeeeah!
Now the Lost stars are complaining – ICYDK
Penelope Cruz eats her Oscar loss? – Celebitchy
Even more Antonella Barba pictures – Ninja Dude
Don't ask Chris Martin about Gwyneth Paltrow – POTP
How did Shar Jackson get her figure back? – SHAR on PAR
Can Christina Aguilera's dress be any tighter? – The Blemish
Larry Birkhead's Anna Nicole Smith tattoo – Celebrity Warship
Guess who is friends with Gwyneth's kids – Miz Monica Monroe
Posh Spice packs for her move to America? – The Showbiz Show
Who does this pampered princess belong to? – Allie is Wired

What was Scarlett Johannsson thinking?
March 5th, 2007 under Scarlett Johannsson. [ Comments: none ]

The Bee Hive hair-do, the way too pale lipstick, the dress with doesn't fit, the skirt seems too short for that top, the jet black stockings just clash with everything especially the ballet colored tap shoes and what was up with that purse? Normally she looks great and classy, that is why I was shocked she looks so bad. Hopefully she will say good-bye to this look forever.

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