Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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RIP Richard Jeni
March 11th, 2007 under Obits. [ Comments: none ]


Extra has learned comedian Richard Jeni is dead from an apparent suicide. Sources tell Extra Jeni was in his West Hollywood, CA apartment. He had been scheduled to perform at the Chicago Improv tonight but cancelled several weeks ago. Jeni was raised in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York. He appeared in the HBO Comedy Hour in 1992, entitled Richard Jeni: Platypus Man, later winning a CableACE Award for one another HBO special. He had a role in the hit Jim Carrey film The Mask and made multiple appearances on the Tonight Show. In 2004, Comedy Central put him on its list of the 100 greatest standups of all time.

Extra TV (story) and HBO (photo) 

So sad.


Paris Hilton about to be dumped
March 11th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]


Digital Spy is reporting that Warner Music is about to drop Paris Hilton from their roster. " They feel she has lost interest in her singing career as much as we have, and they have lost interest in her too. "Paris will be dropped in a matter of moments. She's totally lost interest in the project and in all honesty, her label feel very much the same. I am sure her record sales numbers greatly helped with their decision. I am not sure how many records she did sell, but it is less than she can spend on a night out.  


Anna Nicole Smith had a love child?
March 9th, 2007 under Anna Nicole Smith. [ Comments: 1 ]

sJust when you think that Anna Nicole Smith story can't get any weirder, Phoenix New Times prints a story you have to read to believe and even then you question it.

Forget the whole who is the father of Dannielynn? The question today is Anna Nicole Smith the mother of a four year old boy. Yes you read that right, a man is claiming that Anna Nicole had his son 4 years ago and she choose for him to raise her son. Johnny Sotto, a Native American says that he met her when she was staying in Arizona at a spa. Anna  Nicole and him flirted a lot and she was curious to know what it was like to be with a guy that wasn't white, his words not mine. "At first, it was all in fun," Soto details. "She'd call my you-know-what her 'tomahawk,' her 'wooden Indian,' or 'big wampum.' Sometimes she'd ask me to do a war dance naked with this feather from one of her dresses stuck in my baseball cap. I tried to tell her that the Tohono O'odham don't wear feathers, but she didn't care. She thought it was funny, and it turned her on, so I did it, though I have no idea if our people even have a war dance." I guess all that dancing led to a lot of unprotected sex and she found herself pregnant with his kid. Because of her religious beliefs she told him she could not have an abortion and decided to give him the baby. They named the baby Marshall after her late husband. Anna Nicole supported Johnny and Marshall by sending them $10,000 a month. 

Anna Nicole kept in touch with them throughout all these years and the last time he heard from her was the beginning of the year. "The last time she called in January, she didn't sound right," Soto recalls. "I knew she was again back on the drugs. Her speech was slurred, and she was saying crazy stuff about how there were rats under her bed trying to eat her feet, and that the Mafia was out to kill her for her money. Before I heard the news, I got a letter in the mail from her, written in lipstick, with a photo of her shaving Howard K. Stern's butt. I thought maybe she needed to be institutionalized. Obviously, the birth of Dannielynn and Daniel's overdose — it was just too much for her."

Now with the death of Anna Nicole he wonders if his son should be the heir to her fortune. A fortune that comes from his namesake. "Do you know how to get hold of [former Arizona attorney general and now trial lawyer] Grant Woods?" he asks, after Marshall had cried himself to sleep following a wrenching day of watching his mom's funeral. "We're not greedy, but Marshall's older than Dannielynn, and I want him to have what's rightfully his. That's one reason I decided to go public. I didn't know where else to turn. Right now the tribe is helping me, and if we win, I'll make sure they get half of whatever Marshall inherits. I want him to grow up on the reservation, to learn our language and what we call the O'odham 'himdag', the O'odham way of life. But we can't do it by ourselves. This is the white man's law, and we need someone who knows the white man's law to help." It always comes down to money with the men (minus Larry Birkhead) who were in Anna Nicole's life, so sad.

Does this story seem too weird to be true? Chances are it is a fake and the Phoenix New Times has pulled an early April Fool's on all of us! Good for them because this was a brilliant joke!

Thank you so much Michelle! 


Hot Links!
March 9th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Just FYI, there was no Hot Links! yesterday because several of my blog buddies had server issues, so I wasn't going to do Hot Links! without those hot blogs. 
What is she walking away from? – ICYDK
Pirates of the Caribbean XXX – Dlisted
American Idol Top 12 party gossip – AH Blogs
Liz Hurley wedding pictures – Celebrity Warship
Want to win a trip to K-Fed's party? – Yeeeah!
Did they bury James Brown yet? – Evelyn Erives
Who is Ryan Reynolds dating now? – The Blemish
Tom Brady, two women, both pregnant? – Answer this…
Forget the Seinfeld curse, what about Friends? – Popbytes
Who does Eva Longoria want to sing at her wedding? – MMM

The Kim Kardashian/Ray-J sex rape is cuming soon – Celebitchy

David Spade goes undercover as Tyra Banks – The Showbiz Show
How did ANTM's Samantha Francis feel about Mr & Mrs J? – BuddyTV
Jennifer Hudson suffers from the Hollywood effect – Pop on the Pop
Did you miss the big American Idol announcement? – Allie is Wired
Justin Timberlake wins the wet T-Shirt contest – The Evil Beet
Eddie Furlong really let himself go to crap – Mollygood
Guess who's senior picture? – Ninja Dude

Sundance Head says a guy thinks he will win AI6
March 9th, 2007 under American Idol 6. [ Comments: none ]

(photo credit Frank Micelotta/FOX) 

TMZ has audio of Sundance Head being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest on his morning show. When Ryan asked him if anyone of the contestants thought they were going to win American Idol, he said that one of the guys keeps saying he is the winner. Granted Sundance also said he was bitter for being voted off. I don't understand why it was such a shock, he wasn't going to make it to the top 10 (the tour number) anyways. Now back to male who thinks he is going to win Idol, I wonder who it is??? Blake Lewis has the best chance to win? Unless it is Chris Richardson, who might think he can win because the Judges love him? Or what about Brandon Rogers, there is just something about him. Maybe it is Chris Sligh making a funny and Sundance didn't get it? Who do you think it is???


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