Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2006 » October
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Shirley Temple working on a second autobiography
October 31st, 2006 under Books. [ Comments: none ]

Shirley Temple Black took an accidental spill in the bathroom of her home in Woodside, Calif. last week and fractured her right wrist and arm. She said she’s in a cast from her fingers to the elbow. I had phoned her to discuss a new book I’d just received, "Shirley Temple, A Pictorial History of the World’s Greatest Child Star" (Applause) by Rita Dubas. The coffee-table-sized, 250-page book is an amazing, pictorial history of her childhood and her films — to the age of 12. Shirley said she had not received a copy — adding that she had not even known about the book. However, she said she knows the author, Dubas as "my number one fan — along with one in Amsterdam." And while Shirley has (and had) no participation in the book, she told me, "I’m glad she (Dubas) did it." The Shirley Temple fans span the ages and generations with the DVD releases of her classics and the Shirley Temple doll collection which continues with other memorabilia collected by the ever-increasing, ageless ranks of fans. Until her accident, Temple had been writing the second installment of her autobiography. The first was "Child Star," The current one is, as yet, untitled — or, at least she did not want to reveal the title until it is finished and in the hands of the publisher (to be set). It starts in Prague in 1968 where she had been our ambassador to the Czech Republic, having previously served in that capacity as well in Ghana, and previously a delegate to the 24th U.N. General Assembly. And earlier, chief of protocol at the White House.

Army Archerd

She is one of the most talented actresses of all time!


NBC finally pulls Kidnapped?
October 31st, 2006 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

It’s official: NBC has pulled the plug on "Kidnapped." Repeats of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" will take over the show’s Saturday, 9:00/8:00c home beginning November 4. Just 3.7 million viewers, including a paltry 1.2 rating/4 share among adults 18-49, tuned into the show’s most-recent broadcast, making it the least-watched program on the night. The series had widely been considered dead by various industry insiders upon the announcement that it would wrap its storyline after its initial 13-episode run (read the story). In total just five of the 13 ordered episodes have aired, although it’s not clear if production has been or will be completed on the remaining installments.

The Futon Critic

Finally, it was cruel what they did to the show.


Did someone else want to adopt Madonna’s David
October 31st, 2006 under Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

Madonna was accused of snatching away Malawian baby David Banda from another foreign woman who had been about to adopt him herself. In an extraordinary new twist, the boy’s father Yohane Banda said plans for his 13-month-old son to be adopted were already in motion before the singer intervened. Mr Banda spoke of his regret that Madonna has taken him, when he could have had a much quieter life had he been adopted by the unnamed woman. She has been making donations to the orphanage for six years and regularly lived there for three months at a time. He said: ‘The woman’s brother’s name was also David and she sent him pictures of my son and said he was going to come and collect him. ‘We were waiting for them both to come back to the village, but Madonna took him first. ‘If these people had adopted him, no-one would have ever caused this fuss and I could be living my life as normal.’ The new claim came as the main benefactor to David’s orphanage, a Canadian grandmother who has developed a close bond with him in his first year of life, spoke of her anguish that Madonna had taken ‘one of our babies’. Retired schoolteacher Jane Glaves had been making regular trips to the orphanage since 2000, staying for long periods at a time, living at a house she has built there with many of the children. In 2003, she took a set of male twins and a little girl home from the same orphanage to Canada and become the first and only non-national ever to do so. She was also consulted by officials from Malawi over Madonna’s adoption. She said: ‘David is such a special little boy. I would take them all in if I could, but I just could not put myself through it again.’ Speaking about Madonna’s adoption, the 70-year-old grandmother of five told First magazine: ‘All I knew about her was that she cavorted half naked in a conical bra. I found it difficult to come to terms with the fact she wanted one of our babies.’ Mrs Glaves said she was perplexed when Madonna chose David despite being offered children with no surviving family. Pictured here with a baby who is believed to be David at the orphanage, she said: ‘We put forward the names of children who had nobody, but she chose David knowing he had a living parent.’ She added: ‘Madonna has said she was told David’s family had never been to visit him. But David’s dad used to come to see him regularly.’ Malawian law dictates that foreigners must live in the country for 18 months before they are eligible to adopt a child. And Madonna herself has admitted that her team had to ‘make the laws up as they went along’ to adopt David. When Mrs Glaves was involved in the adoption of three local children to two Canadian families, the process took three years. ‘At first I was angry that Madonna seemed to be able to adopt David so quickly because of the length of time and stress the other two families had to endure,’ she said. ‘In my six years working in Malawi, they are the only orphans I know to have left the country. Madonna obviously had very good lawyers.’

Daily Mail

Everyday it is something new with this adoption, I just wonder if she will be able to keep David?


Nicole Richie has gained 6 pounds in 6 weeks
October 31st, 2006 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

NICOLE RICHIE is speaking out for the first time since seeking help with her weight loss. "I’m not in rehab and I don’t have an eating disorder," Nicole says in the new Us Weekly. "I’m getting the help I need and taking care of my health." According to the magazine — which hits stands this Friday — Nicole hit a turning point when she attended her grandmother’s funeral in late October. Her relatives were reportedly shocked to see how thin she’d gotten in recent months. When her father LIONEL stepped in, Nicole sought treatment. Us Weekly says that they talked about it as a family and decided she needed to get checked out. The magazine reports that the five-foot-one star has gained six pounds in the past six weeks, climbing from an estimated 87 pounds this summer. As for her condition today, her publicist tells ET that "she is working with a team of doctors and specialists whose focus is nutrition." However, Nicole has repeatedly denied accusations that she has an eating disorder, despite the significant drop in weight over the past couple of years.

Entertainment Tonight

So she admits she has a problem, why isn’t she just staying in the treatment facilty instead of going out partying?


All My Children’s Julie Barr goes out in classic Soap Diva style!!!
October 31st, 2006 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

Soap star Julia Barr — who has played Brooke English on All My Children since 1976 — is choosing to depart the ABC sudser when her contract expires in December. It seems almost superfluous to report this, since the two-time Daytime Emmy winner is so underused that AMC’s viewers barely ever see her onscreen anyway. Barr couldn’t resist taking a parting shot at AMC in a statement to the press. "I am so proud to have been a part of a show that was once a television icon," she said. "I want the fans to know how much I truly appreciate all of their love, support, loyalty and enthusiasm over the years." A show that was once a television icon? Oh no she di’int. Oh yes, she did.

TV Guide

I have to admit she is right AMC is not the same soap it once was. Hopefully she will land another soap soon!


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