The things you can see on Google Earth! |
September 28th, 2006 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]
When most people use virtual globe Google Earth, they look up such sights as Sydney Opera House, Big Ben or even their own homes. But two of the computer program’s users got an extra surprise when they explored the Dutch city of the Hague – and spotted topless sunbathers. A Dutch blogger looking for his favourite pub accidentally zeroed in on a man wearing just shorts, lying on the roof of a house by a canal. A woman lying face down on a separate rooftop terrace was spied by an unknown browser who mentioned it on an online forum. The sunbathers found their way on to Google Earth because they were catching a tan when the satellite used for mapping the planet was passing overhead. A Google Earth spokeswoman said: "Things like this do happen and people will find them for a bit of fun." Other bizarre sightings include "hovering cars" in Perth and missiles in the deserts of Iraq. With higher quality satellite imagery being added, it is now possible to see people going about their daily lives. But these two cases are the first reported instances of this type of partial nudity.
Daily Mail
My friend Jerry got me addicted to Google Earth and it is amazing what you can see on it! You can find your house, where people live or died and so on! So if you bored, download Google Earth!
Smallville and Supernatural back tonight!!! |
September 28th, 2006 under WB+UPN=CW. [ Comments: none ]

I love Smallville, and I am not a Superman girl. Maybe it is due to the fact that there is plenty of eye candy on the show or it could be the fact that writing is so good! Supernatural had one of the best cliffhangers ever, so I can not wait to see how they resolve it tonight at 9p on CW. These are my two favorite shows on the new CW and I really hope that the new network doesn’t f()ck with them too much. I am kind of scared that they will because who ever thought Tori Spelling was a good hire for any show, obviously has never seen her act.
Could you picture Dr. McDreamy as Dr. Christian Troy? |
September 28th, 2006 under Nip/Tuck, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]
Before the role of Dr. Christian Troy was ever cast Ryan Murphy had first offered the role to Patrick Dempsey, as they were neighbors. He turned it down because he found it to be too dark. It is now one of his and his wife’s favorite shows to watch. All turned out well for him with Grey’s. What a different Nip/Tuck that would have been! Who would you have chosen to play the role of Dr. Christian Troy if I were not available? I’m interested to see your choices….have fun with it.
See you next week,
Dr. Troy via MySpace
I do not think the show would still be on the air if Dempsey was playing the role. Not that I don’t love him, but Julian McMahon really nailed the part!
Candice Bergen did not have a stroke! |
September 28th, 2006 under Candice Bergen, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]
Despite reports swirling around the Internet, legendary actress Candace Bergen has not had a stroke. Her publicist Heidi Schaeffer tells TMZ that Candace suffered a bout with high blood pressure and was hospitalized "for a few days" for observation as a precaution. She is now on medication, is back at work and is just fine. The award-winning actress can be seen on ABC’s popular Emmy winning show "Boston Legal."
Gee Janet Charlton got another one wrong, I am shocked.
DWTS3 Willa Ford thanks all the people who voted for her |
September 28th, 2006 under Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: none ]
Thank u sooooooooo much everyone!I couldnt believe it,it was one of the happiest moments of my life!Max and i work so hard and we know how much u guys all voted and u have no idea what this means to me!I really went into this thing wanting to win,but after those first 2 weeks felt that nothing i could do could get me to the finals.What ive learned is it is so true if u keep being you,working hard and believing in somethimg u can get there!Winning is steal a long shot after coming from the bottom ,but with fans or should i say friends like you i realize i can do this!We can do this!Whatever u did last week keepit up cause every week as u know is a new week.This week is the waltz and i am very excited i think i can really nail this dance!Again you all are out there with me every dancestep of the way,ill make u proud!
Willa Ford’s MySpace
Seriously, I know I am the Queen of typos…but if you going to send a heartfelt note like that, proofread it. That thank you is as comprehendible as a Rosie O’Donnell blog. Hopefully she will be out next week, there is just something about her that is really starting to annoy me.
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