Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Yahoo! The bloopers for season 4 of Supernatural!!!
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[ # ] Yahoo! The bloopers for season 4 of Supernatural!!!
August 19th, 2009 under Bloopers, Supernatural

Yesterday I posted the bloopers for Gossip Girl saying I couldn’t wait to see the ones from Supernatural and today I found them on YouTube!!! After watching the gag reel for Supernatural, I have to say it looks like really tough show to work on…not! Seriously how much fun does that set look to be? Well if you can deal with all of Jared Padalecki’s farting. Who knew he was a such gassy boy. I guess we all have our faults. And Jensen Ackle’s is he screams like a girl! I love the longer high pitch screech featured in that video! Now after watching those The Winchester Boys flub it up during season 4, I can’t wait to see what they mess up during season 5 that starts airing on The CW on September 10th at 9p!!!


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