Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WTF CNN?
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[ # ] WTF CNN?
February 9th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, TV News

I guess Wolf Bliztzer is trying to be hip as compared to being part of the hip replacement society (that we all know he is a member of) and he like used the word OMG during his CNN broadcast of whatever BS political races were going on on Tuesday. Not only did he use it once, but he said it twice in a matter of seconds. Then the equally as cool John King responded with LOL. Seriously WTF is wrong with CNN?
Well thankfully this dummying down of CNN’s news coverage didn’t go unnoticed by Jimmy Kimmel Live because they made a ROTFL promo for the former-news leader. Remember when CNN was legitimate, that is history like the stories they were covering back then?
BTW I wish more news stories went like Jimmy Kmmel Live’s take of the 15 an a half pound baby that was born in China. Because let me tell you there was more truth in journalism in that bit then there CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC combined.


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