Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would you possum flavored candy canes?
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[ # ] Would you possum flavored candy canes?
October 2nd, 2023 under Junk Food

In the good old days, candy canes tasted like peppermint. But now they taste like everything under the sun, thanks to Archie McPhee.

The candy store, with a twist, added three new flavors this season and they are possum, Dante’s Inferno, and gravy! We know what gravy tastes like, but what about the other two? The Dante’s Inferno one is described as having a hint of demonic spice, while the possum has a porky flavor to them. What that means, I have no idea. So, I hope someone tries a box for $6.95 and tells me.

I grew up in major cities, so I have never had any form of road kill. But, if I were to try one, it would be possum because they are ugly mother fuckers who deserve to die.


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