Over the last few years, Candy Canes are no longer just peppermint. They are bubblegum, strawberry, chocolate, Coca Cola, Rootbeer and so many other candy flavors.
Archie McPhee does not do those flavors. They already have bacon, clam, mac & cheese, Krampus, coal and pickle. This year they added three new flavors and they are ham, kale and pizza. An interesting array of flavors.
Those are just the candy canes, they also have lobster, gravy, pickle and bacon vegetable sucking candies.
As nasty as all of this sounds, I really want to try all of them. I might order some of them to taste. Then whichever ones I hate, I will put in an unlabeled bowl and let people try them too. The look on their faces will be my holiday joy. Which is why I better get the coal flavored canes.