Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would Scott Wolf do a Party of Five revival?
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[ # ] Would Scott Wolf do a Party of Five revival?
June 26th, 2017 under Revivals-Reboots, Scott Wolf

One of the most loved shows of the ’90s was Party of Five and The Insider wanted to know if Scott Wolf would play Bailey Salinger again after originating the role in 1994? He told them, “No!” Then he added, “But that’s depressing. So I will leave the door open and say ‘maybe’.”

Now having said that, he did reveal that he would “love to know how Bailey is doing.” Does that mean that he talked himself into it? Your guess is as good as mine with this his final thought on the subject, “But probably not anytime soon.” So there is a glimmer of hope.

The actor has been working nonstop starring in several television series like Everwood, V, Perception and The Night Shift since the Drama ended in 2000. On the latter show, he shared with the television entertainment magazine that one the originals will die this season. Will it be TJ? We will have to keep watching NBC every Thursday at 10p to find out.

Back to Party of Five, Wolf recently reunited with the Salinger house, to see the reunion then

Seeing how wonderful they look together, Scott Wolf needs to reconsider that “not anytime soon” stance. We want them to have a revival series because we still have some tissues left after watching This Is Us. And those two shows together will leave us as dry as the California desert during a drought.


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