Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would Robert Englund play Freddy Krueger again?
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[ # ] Would Robert Englund play Freddy Krueger again?
May 30th, 2023 under Robert Englund

Robert Englund has played the beloved Freddy Krueger eight times on the big screen. Would the actor play the killer who murders people in their nightmares on Elm Street again?

“I’m too old and thick to play Freddy now,” the 75-year-old told Variety. “I just can’t do fight scenes for more than one take anymore, I’ve got a bad neck and bad back and arthritis in my right wrist. So I have to hang it up, but I would love to cameo.”

And talking about cameos. Englund did not appear in the shitty remake, and he has a theory of why it failed. He told the trade, “I’ve always thought that Freddy is described as a child killer. So when they made Freddy a child molester [in the remake], that’s not what Freddy is, I don’t think. By taking it to such a dark, dark place, there’s no room for the personality of Freddy to be exploited.”

That was the problem with the remakes for Nightmare, Friday the 13th, and Halloween. They all went to a very dark place, and none of the originals went there. We knew they were psychopaths, but the remakes showed it to the point it was uncomfortable to watch.


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