Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Smith is going to lose weight on YouTube
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[ # ] Will Smith is going to lose weight on YouTube
May 4th, 2021 under Will Smith, YouTube

Will Smith has put on the Quarantine Fifteen, and now he is ready to take them off.

The Fresh Prince wrote, “This is the body that carried me through an entire pandemic and countless days grazing thru the pantry. I love this body, but I wanna FEEL better. No more midnight muffins…this is it! Imma get in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE!!!!! ”

The actor signed up with YouTube for a six-part series to his six-pack back. In each episode, he will team up with pro athletes, scientists and experts, and top YouTube creators to get back into the best shape he has ever been in. Is that even possible? I mean, he has had to focus on his body and mental strength when he did movies like Ali and Bad Boys.

Oh, and what is the point of putting weight on as an actor if you can’t get a reality show out of it?


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