Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Why my cat thinks Channing Tatum is a pussy!
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[ # ] Why my cat thinks Channing Tatum is a pussy!
December 8th, 2015 under Channing Tatum, Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, they had the cast of The Hateful Eight on the ABC late night show, but Channing Tatum was not able to be there. Not wanting to be left out, he filmed a segment as a substitute. That bit was him saying eight hateful things to a purrfectly cute kitten. The sweet little guy took it until he couldn’t take it anymore, then he showed Magic Mike who is the one with real magic. It was hissterical.
My cat was so pissed off by this, she pissed on my 21 Jump Street DVD. Who pees in a box now?


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