Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Why Matthew McConaughey won’t answer to Matt!
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[ # ] Why Matthew McConaughey won’t answer to Matt!
January 25th, 2017 under Jimmy Kimmel, Matthew McConaughey

Celebrities have their peculiarities of what they liked to be called and not be called. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker only likes to be called Sarah Jessica. Matthew McConaughey told Jimmy Kimmel yesterday on his ABC late night show that he doesn’t like to be called Matt and he has a good reason for that.
Back when he was in kindergarten and his mom was also a teacher of that grade, a kid called him Matt. As he was running with that little boy to the monkey bars, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder that pushed him down to the ground. He looked up and saw it was his mom and she told him, “Don’t you ever answer to Matt again. I named you Matthew from the Bible.” Ever since then, he never responds to Matt.
Therefore, if you ever see Matthew in person, don’t call him Matt if you want him to so something for you.


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