Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Whose better at #Riccing, Kelly Ripa or Michael Strahan?
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[ # ] Whose better at #Riccing, Kelly Ripa or Michael Strahan?
January 14th, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Michael Strahan

There is a new trend on Twitter called #Riccing in honor of its creator, petite actress Christina Ricci, who fits herself in to the tiniest places and Tweets a photo of it. Well Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan tried #Riccing and one of hosts from from Live with Kelly and Michael was more successful than the other one. In the former-football player’s defense, he didn’t have a chance in hell at this trend. Well maybe if he tried to fit one of those fridges at Costco, but other than that he is just too big to play the game. Still he gave it his best shot and because of that he scored a touchdown with me!


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