Rosie O’Donnell is picking a fight with Oprah over the talk queen’s controversial interview with kidnapped teen Shawn Hornbeck. Lots of people are outraged, and many are screaming exploitation. But will O v. Ro turn into another Trump-scale nuclear conflict? Sources tell TMZ that Oprah’s MO is always the silent treatment, and that she’s not going to get into a Trump-Rosie-style war with O’Donnell. For instance, sources say, Oprah can’t stand Dr. Phil McGraw, who she thinks is utterly ungrateful to her. But rather than smack him down publicly, she’s dissed privately by not showing up to significant events in his life. O’s given the same treatment over the years to others who have displeased her, like David Letterman and Tom Cruise, publicly denying that there was any feud. That may still not stop Rosie, who’s easily triggered when she thinks kids are exploited.
I hate to admit it, but maybe Trump was right about her. I am not a Oprah fan, but Rosie just needs to stop causing a fight with everyone these days. It is getting old, real fast. If she wants out of The View why doesn’t she just quit already?