Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who doesn’t want to have a sleepover with Tony Romo?
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[ # ] Who doesn’t want to have a sleepover with Tony Romo?
December 5th, 2015 under James Corden, Sports figures

James Corden is new to America, so he is trying to make friends and learn about our version of the game football. What better way to do that than to have a sleepover with Dallas Cowboy’s Tony Romo? So that is exactly what the two men did. The quarterback and the CBS Late Late Show host played games, told scary stories and so much more. It was so much fun, I wish I was invited. Mostly because I so would’ve dipped Corden’s hand in warm water. That and getting the chance to sleep next to Romo? What more can you ask for?
Romo was so naturally funny during this touchdown of a bit that I hope he considers a career in acting when he retires from his day job.


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