Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Which one is Miley Cyrus and which one is the sex doll?
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[ # ] Which one is Miley Cyrus and which one is the sex doll?
December 24th, 2012 under Miley Cyrus, Sex Toys

Miley Cyrus Tweeted a picture of her and a sex doll in her car and I am not sure if she is sitting in the driver’s seat or the passenger one. Can you tell which one is which?
So in case you were wondering why she has a blow up doll, she Tweeted this with the photo “Does this count for the carpool lane? Such a nice Xmas gift 👯” BTW who else has wondered the same thing? Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could use the plastic pleasure makers as the free pass to the car pool lane? I know I have pondered that thought several times as I have sat in traffic and watched1 those freaking car poolers zoom by.


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