John Brown at KTVI in St Louis learned the hard way that doing an easy story about cute cardinals, might be harder than you think because the bird took a bite out of his thumb. While the little guy looked harmless enough, the reporter’s high-pitched screaming was anything but. I don’t think John Brown will live down screaming like a girl like that anytime soon. You know he got a lot of sh!t when he got back to station.
Same way NBC correspondent Mark Potter got a lot sh!t from his Today Show co-workers when he accidentally ate a huge a$$ bug on live TV. Yummy!
BTW back to John Brown for a second, maybe getting bit by a bird was a good thing because I saw that video on at least two network news channels, so maybe screaming like a girl might get him a national job when his contract is up…or at least a big raise? Maybe Mark Potter and him can do a story about the birds and the bees!
Gotta love live television, you never know what is going to happen!