Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What is wrong with John Stamos?
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[ # ] What is wrong with John Stamos?
June 26th, 2007 under John Stamos, NBC

John Stamos was doing interviews in Australia yesterday and as you can see they were very Paula Abdulish. He says that he dranks lots of coffee before the interview because he was suffering from jet lag. Adelaide Now also said he also had a weird live TV interview, so weird that he ended his Australian press tour for ER after that and returned to the States. They said that “After calling on Australia’s Greek community to boycott this paper over his treatment, he then turned on KAK herself, insulting the TV star’s outfit and gyrating around with one of the show’s studio props thrust in front of his penis.”
I really hope it is just jet lag and not something more.

UPDATE: Here is the video of the strange live interview that he did that afterwards they sent him back to The US!


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