Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What is, how well do you know Saturday Night Live?
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[ # ] What is, how well do you know Saturday Night Live?
February 17th, 2025 under Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live

Yesterday, on Saturday Night Live’s 50th during Black Jeopardy, none of the contestants had ever heard of the variety show.

While that was SNL, would the contestants on Jeopardy do a better job answering the clues to questions about the comedy show? They did! However, there was one question that they all got wrong, and I think White Doug would’ve gotten correct!

Now that SNL is 50! Jeopardy could’ve had a whole board dedicated to the series. Lord knows, there are enough factoids for 30 clues. For example, This current SNL player hosts Pop Culture Celebrity.


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