Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Wendy Williams fainted on her show and kept on going
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[ # ] Wendy Williams fainted on her show and kept on going
October 31st, 2017 under Wendy Williams

Today is Halloween and there are plenty of things to be scared about, but there was one fright no one expected. Wendy Williams started off her show dressed as the Statue of Liberty, but then something suddenly went wrong. As she was explaining what the episode was about, she seemed out of breath, made a weird face, stumbled backwards, grabbed her head and fell to the floor.

Leaving the both the audience at the studio and at home, worried about the talk show host as they went to a commercial break. When they came back, she was back at her desk. She told her viewers, “That was not a stunt. I overheated in my costume. I did pass out. But you know what, I’m a champ and I’m back.”

Thankfully, she is OK because that was downright scary. I do hope though that she goes to a doctor and gets checked to make sure everything is OK. But she should change first into something a little more cooler.

UPDATE: The Wendy Williams Show released this statement, “Wendy is feeling much better. She overheated because of her heavy costume, makeup and lights. She was able to finish the show in true Wendy spirit. Thank you for your well wishes.


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