Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Watch Jimmy Fallon and Martin Short diss each other
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[ # ] Watch Jimmy Fallon and Martin Short diss each other
August 19th, 2022 under Jimmy Fallon, Martin Short

I never knew that Jimmy Fallon was a masochist, but he is. Why do I say that? Because yesterday, he challenged Martin Short to a dissing contest on The Tonight Show. The only people who would do that are Subs who liked to be tortured. And boy, was he tortured. I have seen XXX videos with less punishment in them.

Short told his Bess Frenzz, “You are so ugly, your proctologist once said, ‘My Gd! This asshole has teeth!” He followed that up with, “Speaking of nuts, did yours ever drop?” And then it was time for one zinger, “Do you remember that time I visited you in the hospital? And it was the only time that I felt bad for a catheter.”

Talking about hospitals, Fallon did get one good insult in when he told Short, “You’re so ugly, when you were born, instead of ‘push,’ the doctor said, ‘Suck.'”

This was so hysterical; I could watch it for hours. However, I think eventually, someone would have to save Fallon from his misery. It is all fun until it isn’t.


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