Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Watch Carson Daly cut his own hair on live TV
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[ # ] Watch Carson Daly cut his own hair on live TV
April 8th, 2020 under Haircut, TV News

Now that we have been home for so long, our hair is getting long. You want to go to your hairdresser, but they are closed down. What are you going to do?

If you are Carson Daly, then you are going to cut your own hair on live on the Today show while being guided on how to do so by a celebrity hairstylist.

Daly was following all of Chris Appleton’s instructions, but he was working faster than his teacher was instructing him. Therefore, he was messing up. When he was done with the sides, it was time for his 11-year-old son to do the back. Jack was having a lot of fun taking off as much as possible.

Sadly, they ran out of time when it got to on how to handle the top part. However, he was warned not brush your hair all the way forward and cut along your forehead seconds before he did it.

All in all, he did a good job. He might not need to go back to the barber again.

Want to see the final look, then

Carson Daly/Instagram

I think he looks good with the Al Roker. What do you think?


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