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[ # ] Want to see a run through of Will & Grace?
July 31st, 2018 under Sean Hayes

It is not easy to get a ticket to see a free taping of Will & Grace, and it is even harder to see them do a run through of the show. Sean Hayes heard that we wanted to see one (I assume), so he put one up on social media.

Granted, he timelapsed it so the whole read-through is shown in less than a minute. But you definitely get an idea how chaotic it can be. Although, it can just appear that way because of the fast motion video. Anyways, it was really cool to see this behind-the-scenes moment that is rarely seen by the viewer.

If you want to see what we normally see, then mark your calendars for October 4th. That is when the sitcom is back on NBC for all of us to enjoy again.


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