Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Vanilla Ice didn’t know about his biopic with Dave Franco
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[ # ] Vanilla Ice didn’t know about his biopic with Dave Franco
July 24th, 2020 under Vanilla Ice

A few days ago, there were several reports that Dave Franco is going to play Vanilla Ice in a movie about the rapper. There is just one person who did not know about it. That person is Rob Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice.

How did Rob react when he heard the news? The Ice Ice Baby singer said, “Well, I woke up to some excitement today. Dave Franco announced that there’s going to be a movie about my life. And I don’t know how official it is, to be honest with you.” It doesn’t sound like it is going to be official at all if they didn’t tell the person it is about that they are going to make it.

Does Rob have any animosity towards Franco? Nope, he thinks he is a great guy, and he is “super honored.” However, he does some advice for the actor if he wants to be as Cool as Ice. Rob said, “Dave, you better learn how to dance. You better get some rhythym, bro.” Say what you want about Rob, but he did have rhythm back in the ’90s when he was charting with the rap songs.

On that note, Rob also revealed he is working on a documentary about his ’90s. Ice Ice Baby is coming out in the fall. He wants to remind us all to have fun again. Sometimes it feels like that was so last century. Get it?


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